Intel Core could be a name that Intel uses for varied mid-range to high-end shopper and business microprocessors. In general, processors sold as Core area unit additional powerful variants of constant processors marketed as entry-level Celeron and Pentium. Similarly, identical or additional capable versions of Core processors also are sold as Xeon processors for the server and digital computer market.
As of 2013 the present lineup of Core processors includes the newest Intel Core i7, Intel Core i5, and Intel Core i3, and therefore the older Intel Core a pair of Solo, Intel Core a pair of pair, Intel Core a pair of Quad, and Intel Core a pair of Extreme lines.
As of 2013 the present lineup of Core processors includes the newest Intel Core i7, Intel Core i5, and Intel Core i3, and therefore the older Intel Core a pair of Solo, Intel Core a pair of pair, Intel Core a pair of Quad, and Intel Core a pair of Extreme lines.